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 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

This shopping portal is available for selling different categories of food& beverages, health supplements and herbal beauty products.

Available products are not categorized as herbal medicines which are being sold as food / health supplement.

Any statement contained on this label does not imply that the products have any medicinal properties, use or efficacy. These products should not be used as a substitute for varied and balanced diet and do not exceed recommended daily dose.

In case, any medical issue arises, consult a medical practitioner thereafter due to the fact, we do not claim or guarantee any cure or treatment of any of the health issues or disorders.

We are not accountable or responsible for any of the comments or reviews posted by any of the buyers on this site. They will solely be considered their own views and opinions.